I’m finding that very few people have had the opportunity to deliberately create their own unique leadership and management development strategy.

Check out the latest post in our Strategy Blog for Today's Leaders

A reorganization is just like any other business initiative like a product launch, marketing push or capital project. And as such it is best to proceed with a strategy.

We go to great lengths to avoid mistakes or even admitting to messing up, but what if I told you that all experience, even failure, is good for your business?

Honesty doesn’t only have to do with doing things the way they ought to be done. It also expresses the values in which a business/organization is founded.

Anyone can be busy, but you should not mistake movement for accomplishment. People say they are always “busy”, but that does not necessarily mean they are productive or using their time wisely.

it is important to know when you need the expertise and support of others and where and how to get it. This is where business coaching comes in.

I have always talked about things entrepreneurs should do to achieve success in business. However, it is equally important to note that there are actually things they must STOP doing.

Getting ahead means putting in more hours, taking on more projects and making work your life, right? No, according to career coaches. Workaholics tend to burn out fast usually neglecting the very things they need to do to achieve success. At business conferences you often hear expressions such as “My work is my life,” “I’m married to my work.” Despite the obvious downside our society celebrates obsessive work ethics and is it often viewed as evidence of an individual’s commitment to work, a project or start-up idea.

The ultimate measure of a man (leader/business owner) is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


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