
Change Management

  • 3 Questions Organizations Should Ask Before A Reorganization

    A reorganization is just like any other business initiative like a product launch, marketing push or capital project. And as such it is best to proceed with a strategy.
  • 5 Common Business Problems Every Business Owner Faces

    it is important to know when you need the expertise and support of others and where and how to get it. This is where business coaching comes in.

  • 7 Different Styles of Coaching

    When we hear that someone needs to be ‘coached’ most of us think of an overly universal term. Coaching, though, is a massive sector with so many sub-styles involved that the term ‘coaching’ without any context is almost worthless. Instead of leaving you constantly searching for some universally applicable style of coaching, let’s take a look at some of the most popular forms of coaching in the world.

  • Assertiveness – Are we doing it wrong?

    How often do you get talked into something you don’t’ want to do? Do you often experience situations that infuriate, annoy or frustrate you but do absolutely nothing about them? Do you find it difficult to say “no” without being offensive?

  • Avoid Being a Workaholic – 5 Tips to Work Less and Get Ahead

    Getting ahead means putting in more hours, taking on more projects and making work your life, right? No, according to career coaches. Workaholics tend to burn out fast usually neglecting the very things they need to do to achieve success. At business conferences you often hear expressions such as “My work is my life,” “I’m married to my work.” Despite the obvious downside our society celebrates obsessive work ethics and is it often viewed as evidence of an individual’s commitment to work, a project or start-up idea.

  • Debunking Common Employee Engagement Myths

    In today’s competitive marketplace, employee engagement has emerged as an important component of business success

  • Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds!

    For any business owner today, there’s often a misconception that your most powerful tool is your products or services. While that’s true to an extent, who delivers on those products or services? Your employees. Your employees are the ones who grind and work all day; who spend as much time as they can, putting in the hard work and the effort on your behalf.

  • Move from being “Busy” to being Productive

    Anyone can be busy, but you should not mistake movement for accomplishment. People say they are always “busy”, but that does not necessarily mean they are productive or using their time wisely.

  • The Failure of “Good-Enough” Cultures in the Workplace

    Leaders are bombarded daily with choices; a choice to do right or wrong; a choice to do nothing; a choice to do the right thing or to do the barest minimum required to get the job done.

  • The Power of Perseverance for Leaders & Business Owners

    The ultimate measure of a man (leader/business owner) is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”~ Martin Luther King Jr.

  • When Do You Know if it’s Training or Competence?

    Employee learning and development is important and vital to any organization. It not only provides benefit to the individual but also to the business, helping your company to continue to run effectively. However, once you have provided initial job training with a new employee is there a need for any further learning and development investment? Yes!